The Letter K
Last week we had a party themed around the letter K to celebrate Kim moving into our flat. Can you tell who I am? The little friend on my broom is the main giveaway. I bought him in Japan before I...
View ArticleProm!
Last Friday my flatmates and I held a Prom and it was pretty awesome. I got new hair that day (also, this is a really good photo of me. I don’t look like this) Our flat looked like this. And later,...
View ArticleProm photobooth slideshow!
- A slideshow of every single photo from the photobooth of last Friday’s Prom. Watch the backdrop fall down and my facial expressions get more and more out of control as the night goes on!
View ArticleThis is Halloween (again)
Fantastic Mr Fox and Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas win my imaginary costume contest. And can you see that I have Gaga’s armadillo shoe on in the last photo? I was trying so hard to get it in a...
View ArticleParty Time
Thanks to sweet new blog Banana Meet-Cute, I discovered that my favourites Confetti System were featured on The Selby. Do I post about them too often? I really can’t see enough photos of their studio....
View ArticleToo many Christmases.
Merry Christmas! Hope you’ve had a lovely holiday season. I myself have had too many Christmases, all of them far too merry. First was our flat Christmas, where we ate roast chicken and vegetables,...
View ArticleFive Things #14
1. Royal Celebration street parties at Caroline, No. (Source) (Source) 2. Beautiful watercolour print by Amy Borrell. 3. This pretty shoot from 4. Leanne Shapton‘s book blocks via Design Love...
View ArticleThe Good Life
We spent the weekend in Opotiki at the wedding of two lovely people whom I introduced (I have powers). Everything was super wonderful and the weather sublime. In case you wanted to know, my nail polish...
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